Clans & Ambassadors

This program at Satoshi Universe is a seasonal with USDT rewards, community-focused initiative designed to foster growth and enhance the overall value of the Universe.

Clan and individual points, accumulated over the current season and tracked through Zealy, offer status elevation. Elected Clan Leaders serve as community spokespeople and can assign roles within their clans. Non-lore clans are subject to monthly assessments and may be disbanded if they have fewer than 10 members.

The program is tightly integrated with Satoshi Universe Lore, making it a key driver for community involvement and expansion.

Seasonal Structure

Clans operates on a seasonally basis. Clan points accumulate over a season period, offering a cumulative effect that enhances the competitive spirit.

Current Season 2 Duration: 1 month

Start: 1.11.2023

End: 30.11.2023

For more details, keep reading 👇 or ask on Discord

Last updated